Saturday, November 5, 2011

Shades of Globalisation!

Book Review: Non-fiction/Understanding Globalisation and Emerging India by Anand Kumar, Palm Leaf Publications/2011, 276 pp; Rs995 {Hardback}
There are countless views on global dissemination of ideas which aims for uniformisation of trade, services etc. The much celebrated term “Globalisation” is still acquiring attention and it’s not without some valid reasons. Initial and foremost, the South Asian region as big market is catching the attention of strong global capital that’s altering many home grown wisdom in the region practiced through the ages. India, with its market friendly democracy and a sizable consuming population is the prime mover of consumerist aspirations. A close look on these changes easily enables to see the huge mismatch that’s being consolidated in the name of constructive “market reform”. Both China and India has its own lapses in their original framework while dealing with the moves of global trade integration. So on policy front, arrival and mushrooming of modern globalisation is still not less than enigma.

This book is spread into three parts. First part deals with the general aspects of globalisation though ends up without adding anything substantial in the contemporary discourse over pros and cons of free trade/uniform lifestyle. Second part that co-incidentally also justifies the title of book revolves around India’s involvement with globalisation and its implications. Prof. Anand Kumar has presented his views in academic fashion and slipped on many occasions to cover this very important issue with much needed distinctness. Third part is little bit promising with heavily inserting “Gandhism” in the greedy globalisation debate; unfortunately reprisal of fundamentals from Gandhism hardly gives readers the joy anticipated with this book. Ironical to see, an academic from institution of repute chasing hyped and already covered observations like the real gains. This rejects the predominant beliefs that were in favour of academic intellectuals. Every year, a large number of serious works being done on various subjects and remarkably most of the authors have not even had the remote affiliation with the universities. This notion will be soon agreeable, if the academic masters will not start writing books for people…absolutely, dark corner of book stakes only should be the secondary target!

On the similar theme, there is need for indepth works with analyzing India’s own position vis-à-vis free trade and its viability under the basic mainline of democratic polity. As a nation, India has moved up in last six decades albeit it would be rash observation if believe that India’s “tryst with destiny” can be halted now. Idea of India must be in rock solid state, by which this nation will catch its making sound.

In last two decades, Indian economy has scaled up high through its consistent alignment with the market led reform. It’s also true that in some areas, regulation have worked well-financial sector is one of the case but not completely. There is no reason, why India should not follow its own model of regulated reform in the time ahead, the stress on regulated economic model in crisis ridden Europe further strengthening India’s indigenous model of economic policy.

Globalisation leads to multifaceted changes in economy/society/culture/politics etc, so reckoning its nuances is very essential for the concerned participants and enthusiasts. India as rising power is in need to understand the globalisation in proper way-China has done significantly in this regard, though without openness. The debate on globalisation should be in balanced pace, it’s not surpassable in any manner and lackluster academic works will make no sense in further cases!
Atul Kumar Thakur
November 5, 2011, Saturday, New Delhi

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